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Tuina massage

Tuina or Tui Na (推拿) is a Chinese Medical Massage based on the same theories and diagnostics of acupuncture. It is a standard treatment in Traditional Chinese Medicine hospitals and clinics throughout China. Tuina massage, together with acupuncture and herbs, is a vital part of Chinese Medicine.

Translated as “push and grab”, Tuina has various techniques such as acupressure, myofascial release, and reflexology.  The practice promotes and invigorates the flow of Qi and blood as well as balance Yin and Yang, leading to better health.

Tuina techniques effectively reduce pain and stress, encourage relaxation, and deepen sleep. It is often used for chronic conditions and injuries related to the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. Many people seek the treatment for stiff neck and shoulders, sciatica, sore back, etc.


At AKUPENG, we use Tuina as a stand-alone treatment or in combination with acupuncture to enhance the results based on each patient’s condition.  Herbal plasters, lotions, and salves are used sometimes to boost the treatment effects as well.

Tuina massage can be done as a stronger deep-tissue massage or a more gentle, energetic treatment.

We encourage you to get massage on a consistent and regular basis in order to maximize the benefits and minimize the possible discomfort.


  • Wear loose, comfortable clothing to ensure the practitioner can move your joints.

  • Drink plenty of water before and after your massage. This helps flush away toxins or acids that come to the surface during your massage.

  • Eat light meal 2 hours before your session and make sure you eat.

  • Avoid cold shower or bath after your treatment.

  • Feel free to let me know if you prefer more or less pressure or a more or less active treatment.

We offer Tuina massage in Aalborg, our clinic is conveniently located in the center of Aalborg
Please contact us for a free 15 minutes consultation

​Does Tuina massage have side effects?

Tuina is intended to be both relaxing and invigorating. It depends on the conditions Tuina is treating; sometimes, you may feel some discomfort or soreness during or after a session. Slight bruising is possible.

Who should avoid Tuina massage?

  • People who have fractures or are prone to fractures.

  • People with vein inflammation or any type of open wound.

  • People with previous chronic back issues, such as ankylosing spondylitis.


Akupeng Akupunktur & Massage

Bjørumvej 7

9200 Aalborg SV


Phone: 53790081

CVR: 36580917



Opening Hours

Monday to Thursday: 9:00 - 18:00

​Friday: 9:00 - 16:00

Saturday: by appointment 

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